Taxation Services
Taxation Services

The aim of our taxation services is to assist you to comply with relevant tax laws while assuring you pay only what you are required to. Our products include preparation and lodgement of taxation forms and returns (such as income tax returns and activity statements etc), estimating future and hypothetical taxation amounts, advice on how best to comply with taxation laws, and liaison with relevant taxation agencies on your behalf.  We also help you to complete the financial and taxation aspects of other statutory forms and returns, such as applications for social welfare and family payments and statistical returns etc.

Taxation Advice and Planning

Tax laws are complex and socially sensitive; which means there is usually a fair degree of flexibility built in (by act or omission).  The trick to minimising tax is knowing how to optimise these flexibilities to suit your situation.  That’s why it’s always best to seek professional tax advice when making significant decisions that have tax consequences.  We offer advice on a wide range of Australian federal and state taxes.

Tactical tax planning is about optimising your tax for the current and next tax years. This usually involves using the flexibility in the law to bring forward or delay income and expenditure between the current and next years; and will almost certainly involve spending money before the end of the tax year in question.

Strategic tax planning is about structuring your financial affairs to give you optimal flexibility in the future. This means providing you with options for when major tax events occur (such as capital gains or unexpected profits etc).  This will usually involve restructuring your recurring income & expenditure and the ownership structure of income producing assets.  Implementing such strategies will cost you a one off amount of up front fees and government charges, but should be returned by the ongoing tax savings.

Taxation Compliance

We can assist you to calculate the relevant amounts of tax and complete and lodge the relevant forms them with the following government agencies:-

Australian Taxation Office
Office of State Revenue (NSW)
Office of State Revenue (QLD)
State Revenue Office (VIC)
Treasury Department (ACT)
Treasury Department (TAS)
Revenue Office (SA)
Dept. Treasury and Finance (WA)
Revenue Office (NT)

Please note: some tax advice and compliance issues must peformeed by a legal practitioner.  In these cases we will refer you to either your own solicitor or anotherrelevant specialist.